Monday, February 22, 2010

Guest Speaker on Wednesday

All Music Business Students are welcome to attend! This Wednesday, February 24, at 1pm, their will be two speakers at the Broadview Media campus in Edina. The speakers will be Nate Dungan, National Talent Buyer for the Minnesota State Fair, and Noah Levy, a professional drummer with over 20 years of experience playing with multiple national acts.

Go to for directions!

Attending this event will give you a lot of insight into the music business and a lot of useful information for your career.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Record Stores

Record stores are shutting down everywhere with the exception of a few independent record stores in major cities, and people are turning to online formats to get their music. What is your favorite thing about record stores? Is it the instore appearences? The atmosphere? The fact that you would rather own a copy of a CD than a digital file? What makes record stores your favorite place to buy music? I myself prefer certain songs on CD or Vinyl, I like the atmosphere and the people who work at record stores, and I like the posters and CD's I can find only there. What are your thoughts? I really like record shops like the Electric Fetus or Cheapo.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Guest Speaker

The BC Campus has a guest speaker coming in on Wednesday, February 3 and Thursday, February 4 in the Music Lab at 6pm. Justin is a doctoral candidate in composition at the University of Minnesota, and he will be talking about his thesis on Hip Hop music in Minneapolis.